Editorial requirements:

We accept for publication only original texts that have not been previously published, regardless of the language version or form of distribution (“paper” or online).

Please send the text prepared in the WORD editor, Times New Roman font, size 12, interline 1,5, paging, double-sided text. Please do not use fattening and shooting. The text should contain subtitles.

The article must be provided with an abstract in Polish and English, 3 to 5 words of keywords in Polish and English and a title translated into English. The magazine has so-called. Harvard standard for editing footnotes and bibliography in version - APA.


Review procedure:

Each Author who submits an article for publication agrees to the review procedure. The review is carried out in two stages: firstly, the article is formally evaluated by the Editorial Board, and if it obtains a positive rating, it is submitted to blind review by two independent reviewers who hold a doctorate degree (or higher).

The author will be informed of the outcome of the review procedure. Texts that are not scientific articles (reviews, communications, reports, etc. ) are not subject to the review procedure; their admission to print is decided by the Editorial Board.